
Pork Terrine with Apricots and Pistachios


Pork Terrine with Apricots and Pistachios

Prep Time ~25 mins Cooking Time ~60 mins
Approx Cost ~£8 Difficulty ~ Easy
Freeze ~ Yes Serves ~ 4

Tip ~ For a terrine mould you could use a bread loaf tin or even an ovenproof dish.



Olive oil

250g / 9oz streaky bacon

4 - 5 large sausages, Lincolnshire are best for flavour

10 sage leaves chopped

1 tablespoon flat leaf parsley, chopped

100g / 4oz dried apricots, chopped

75g / 3oz shelled pistachio nuts, chopped

Salt and pepper, to taste

Salad leaves to serve


  • Prepare the terrine mould by brushing it with oil and lining with streaky bacon, leaving a 5-6 cm / ¼ - ½ inches overlapping the edge of the mould.
  • Preheat the oven to 180C, Gas mark 4.
  • Make the filling by removing all the meat from the sausage skins. Add the sage leaves, parsley, apricots and pistachio nuts, mix well adding salt and pepper. Pile the meat mixture into the terrine mould and press down well.
  • Fold the bacon over the meat and cover with either a lid or foil. Place in a Bain - Marie half filled with hot water and cook in a preheated oven for 60 minutes.
  • Press down with a weight, cool, and then place in the fridge to go cold.
  • To serve, remove the terrine from the container and cut into slices. Serve with a selection of salad leaves.